Service Training Completed at Giken Factory in Japan

15 Jun 2015, 6:03 PM

Two of our Service Engineers have just completed a Service Training course at the Giken factory in Japan. Phil Elcock and Adam Walker passed with flying colours. Well done boys!

This bolsters our ability to solve service issues quickly and efficiently. Something which will come in handy as we have new model Giken silent pilers set to arrive in the UK very shortly. The first model F301 sold to Ivor King Piling weighs just 12 tons and can handle single Z piles up to 700 mm wide and single U profiles up to 750 mm wide. The first model F201 is due here next month available for sale or hire weighs just 10 tons and can handle single U profile piles up to 600 mm wide with 150 tons pressing force.
Neither of them compare in size to the big beastie that Phil and Adam saw during their recent trip. Photographed here the boys leave the factory after their 2 week course. The day before they witnesssed this incredible 120 tons tubular piler which can install up to 2.0 m diameter piles and in the foreground you can just see the 160 tons clamp crane manufactured by Giken to service it!
Giken silent pilers
Giken tubular pilers
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